1: /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1984. */
   2: /* $Header: cell.h,v 2.0 84/06/18 15:46:34 guido Exp $ */
   4: /*
   5:  * B editor -- Definitions for linked lists of screen lines, baptized `cells'.
   6:  * (This is NOT an abstract data type!)
   7:  */
   9: struct cell {
  10:     struct cell *c_link;
  11:     node c_data;
  12:     short c_onscreen;
  13:     short c_oldindent;
  14:     short c_newindent;
  15:     short c_length;
  16:     char c_oldvhole;
  17:     char c_newvhole; /* Yes if this line contains a `vhole' */
  18:     char c_oldfocus;
  19:     char c_newfocus; /* Yes if this line contains underlining */
  20: };
  22: typedef struct cell cell;
  24: #define Cnil ((cell*) NULL)
  26: #define Nowhere (-9999)
  28: #define SpaceRound(x) ((indent + (x) + llength - 1) / llength)
  29: #define Space(p) \
  30:     SpaceRound((p)->c_length + (p)->c_newindent + (p)->c_newvhole)
  31: #define Oldspace(p) \
  32:     SpaceRound((p)->c_length + (p)->c_newindent + (p)->c_newvhole)
  34: cell *replist();
  35: cell *build();
  37: extern int llength;
  38: extern int winheight;
  39: extern int indent;

Defined struct's

cell defined in line 9; used 4 times
  • in line 10(2), 22(2)

Defined typedef's

cell defined in line 22; used 42 times

Defined macros

Cnil defined in line 24; used 9 times
Oldspace defined in line 31; used 2 times
SpaceRound defined in line 28; used 2 times

Usage of this include

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