# # Makefile Makefile for the Pidentd daemon # # This program is in the public domain and may be used freely by anyone # who wants to. # # Last update: 13 December 1996 - 2.11BSD specific version created. # # Please send bug fixes/bug reports to: Peter Eriksson # Modify it below to suit your particular system, or specify it # on the command line (like "make DESTROOT=/usr/wheel sunos4") # DESTDIR= BINDIR=$(DESTDIR)/usr/sbin EXECDIR=$(DESTDIR)/usr/libexec CONFDIR=$(DESTDIR)/etc MANDIR=$(DESTDIR)/usr/man/cat8 # Global compile-time and link-time options # # Please note the the INCLUDE_CRYPT option needs a DES library. You can # find a free one on ftp.lysator.liu.se in pub/libraries or on # ftp.funet.fi in pub/crypt/libdes. # # GDEFS=-DINCLUDE_EXTENSIONS -DINCLUDE_PROXY -DINCLUDE_CRYPT \ # -DSTRONG_LOG -DALLOW_FORMAT \ GDEFS=-DSTRONG_LOG -DDPATH_CONFIG='\"$(CONFDIR)/identd.conf\"' \ -DPATH_DESKEY='\"$(CONFDIR)/identd.key\"' # GLIBS=-lident -ldes GLIBS= CFLAGS=-O -DNO_KVM LDFLAGS=-i all: identd identconn identd.0 idecrypt.0 # # End of system-type definitions -------------------------------------- # identd: @(cd src ; make CC="$(CC)" LDFLAGS="$(LDFLAGS)" LIBS="$(GLIBS)" CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) $(GDEFS)" KSRC=2.11bsd identd) identd.8: identd.man sed -e 's,xDESTDIRx,$(EXECDIR),g' -e 's,xCONFDIRx,$(CONFDIR),g' $? > $@ identd.0: identd.8 /usr/man/manroff identd.8 > identd.0 idecrypt.0: idecrypt.man /usr/man/manroff idecrypt.man > idecrypt.0 identconn: identconn.sh sed -e 's,xDESTROOTx,$(DESTROOT),g' $? > $@ install: identd identd.0 identconn itest idecrypt install -m 644 identd.0 $(MANDIR)/identd.0 install -m 755 identd $(EXECDIR)/identd install -m 755 identconn $(BINDIR)/identconn install -m 644 idecrypt.0 $(MANDIR)/idecrypt.0 install -m 755 idecrypt $(BINDIR)/idecrypt install -o root -g kmem -m 2555 itest ${BINDIR}/itest tests: (cd testdir ; make) clean: -rm -f identd idecrypt itest identconn *.o *.0 (cd src ; make clean) (cd testdir ; make clean)