1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
   3:  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
   4:  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
   5:  */
   7: #ifndef lint
   8: static char sccsid[] = "@(#)attack.c	5.1 (Berkeley) 5/30/85";
   9: #endif not lint
  11: # include   "trek.h"
  13: /*
  14: **  Klingon Attack Routine
  15: **
  16: **	This routine performs the Klingon attack provided that
  17: **	(1) Something happened this move (i.e., not free), and
  18: **	(2) You are not cloaked.  Note that if you issue the
  19: **	cloak command, you are not considered cloaked until you
  20: **	expend some time.
  21: **
  22: **	Klingons are permitted to move both before and after the
  23: **	attack.  They will tend to move toward you before the
  24: **	attack and away from you after the attack.
  25: **
  26: **	Under certain conditions you can get a critical hit.  This
  27: **	sort of hit damages devices.  The probability that a given
  28: **	device is damaged depends on the device.  Well protected
  29: **	devices (such as the computer, which is in the core of the
  30: **	ship and has considerable redundancy) almost never get
  31: **	damaged, whereas devices which are exposed (such as the
  32: **	warp engines) or which are particularly delicate (such as
  33: **	the transporter) have a much higher probability of being
  34: **	damaged.
  35: **
  36: **	The actual amount of damage (i.e., how long it takes to fix
  37: **	it) depends on the amount of the hit and the "damfac[]"
  38: **	entry for the particular device.
  39: **
  40: **	Casualties can also occur.
  41: */
  43: attack(resting)
  44: int resting;    /* set if attack while resting */
  45: {
  46:     register int        hit, i, l;
  47:     int         maxhit, tothit, shldabsb;
  48:     double          chgfac, propor, extradm;
  49:     double          dustfac, tothe;
  50:     int         cas;
  51:     int         hitflag;
  53:     if (Move.free)
  54:         return;
  55:     if (Etc.nkling <= 0 || Quad[Ship.quadx][Ship.quady].stars < 0)
  56:         return;
  57:     if (Ship.cloaked && Ship.cloakgood)
  58:         return;
  59:     /* move before attack */
  60:     klmove(0);
  61:     if (Ship.cond == DOCKED)
  62:     {
  63:         if (!resting)
  64:             printf("Starbase shields protect the %s\n", Ship.shipname);
  65:         return;
  66:     }
  67:     /* setup shield effectiveness */
  68:     chgfac = 1.0;
  69:     if (Move.shldchg)
  70:         chgfac = 0.25 + 0.50 * franf();
  71:     maxhit = tothit = 0;
  72:     hitflag = 0;
  74:     /* let each Klingon do his damndest */
  75:     for (i = 0; i < Etc.nkling; i++)
  76:     {
  77:         /* if he's low on power he won't attack */
  78:         if (Etc.klingon[i].power < 20)
  79:             continue;
  80:         if (!hitflag)
  81:         {
  82:             printf("\nStardate %.2f: Klingon attack:\n",
  83:                 Now.date);
  84:             hitflag++;
  85:         }
  86:         /* complete the hit */
  87:         dustfac = 0.90 + 0.01 * franf();
  88:         tothe = Etc.klingon[i].avgdist;
  89:         hit = Etc.klingon[i].power * pow(dustfac, tothe) * Param.hitfac;
  90:         /* deplete his energy */
  91:         dustfac = Etc.klingon[i].power;
  92:         Etc.klingon[i].power = dustfac * Param.phasfac * (1.0 + (franf() - 0.5) * 0.2);
  93:         /* see how much of hit shields will absorb */
  94:         shldabsb = 0;
  95:         if (Ship.shldup || Move.shldchg)
  96:         {
  97:             propor = Ship.shield;
  98:             propor /= Param.shield;
  99:             shldabsb = propor * chgfac * hit;
 100:             if (shldabsb > Ship.shield)
 101:                 shldabsb = Ship.shield;
 102:             Ship.shield -= shldabsb;
 103:         }
 104:         /* actually do the hit */
 105:         printf("HIT: %d units", hit);
 106:         if (!damaged(SRSCAN))
 107:             printf(" from %d,%d", Etc.klingon[i].x, Etc.klingon[i].y);
 108:         cas = (shldabsb * 100) / hit;
 109:         hit -= shldabsb;
 110:         if (shldabsb > 0)
 111:             printf(", shields absorb %d%%, effective hit %d\n",
 112:                 cas, hit);
 113:         else
 114:             printf("\n");
 115:         tothit += hit;
 116:         if (hit > maxhit)
 117:             maxhit = hit;
 118:         Ship.energy -= hit;
 119:         /* see if damages occurred */
 120:         if (hit >= (15 - Game.skill) * (25 - ranf(12)))
 121:         {
 122:             printf("CRITICAL HIT!!!\n");
 123:             /* select a device from probability vector */
 124:             cas = ranf(1000);
 125:             for (l = 0; cas >= 0; l++)
 126:                 cas -= Param.damprob[l];
 127:             l -= 1;
 128:             /* compute amount of damage */
 129:             extradm = (hit * Param.damfac[l]) / (75 + ranf(25)) + 0.5;
 130:             /* damage the device */
 131:             damage(l, extradm);
 132:             if (damaged(SHIELD))
 133:             {
 134:                 if (Ship.shldup)
 135:                     printf("Sulu: Shields knocked down, captain.\n");
 136:                 Ship.shldup = 0;
 137:                 Move.shldchg = 0;
 138:             }
 139:         }
 140:         if (Ship.energy <= 0)
 141:             lose(L_DSTRYD);
 142:     }
 144:     /* see what our casualities are like */
 145:     if (maxhit >= 200 || tothit >= 500)
 146:     {
 147:         cas = tothit * 0.015 * franf();
 148:         if (cas >= 2)
 149:         {
 150:             printf("McCoy: we suffered %d casualties in that attack.\n",
 151:                 cas);
 152:             Game.deaths += cas;
 153:             Ship.crew -= cas;
 154:         }
 155:     }
 157:     /* allow Klingons to move after attacking */
 158:     klmove(1);
 160:     return;
 161: }

Defined functions

Defined variables

sccsid defined in line 8; never used
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Generated: 2016-12-26
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