1: # include   "monop.ext"
   3: static struct   trd_st {    /* how much to give to other player	*/
   4:     int trader;         /* trader number		*/
   5:     int cash;           /* amount of cash 		*/
   6:     int gojf;           /* # get-out-of-jail-free cards	*/
   7:     OWN *prop_list;     /* property list		*/
   8: };
  10: typedef struct trd_st   TRADE;
  12: static char *list[MAX_PRP+2];
  14: static int  used[MAX_PRP];
  16: static TRADE    trades[2];
  18: trade() {
  20:     reg int tradee, i;
  22:     trading = TRUE;
  23:     for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
  24:         trades[i].cash = 0;
  25:         trades[i].gojf = FALSE;
  26:         trades[i].prop_list = NULL;
  27:     }
  28: over:
  29:     if (num_play == 1) {
  30:         printf("There ain't no-one around to trade WITH!!\n");
  31:         return;
  32:     }
  33:     if (num_play > 2) {
  34:         tradee = getinp("Which player do you wish to trade with? ",
  35:             name_list);
  36:         if (tradee == num_play)
  37:             return;
  38:         if (tradee == player) {
  39:             printf("You can't trade with yourself!\n");
  40:             goto over;
  41:         }
  42:     }
  43:     else
  44:         tradee = 1 - player;
  45:     get_list(0, player);
  46:     get_list(1, tradee);
  47:     if (getyn("Do you wish a summary? ") == 0)
  48:         summate();
  49:     if (getyn("Is the trade ok? ") == 0)
  50:         do_trade();
  51: }
  52: /*
  53:  *	This routine gets the list of things to be trader for the
  54:  * player, and puts in the structure given.
  55:  */
  56: get_list(struct_no, play_no)
  57: int struct_no, play_no; {
  59:     reg int     sn, pn;
  60:     reg PLAY    *pp;
  61:     int     numin, prop, num_prp;
  62:     OWN     *op;
  63:     TRADE       *tp;
  65:     for (numin = 0; numin < MAX_PRP; numin++)
  66:         used[numin] = FALSE;
  67:     sn = struct_no, pn = play_no;
  68:     pp = &play[pn];
  69:     tp = &trades[sn];
  70:     tp->trader = pn;
  71:     printf("player %s (%d):\n", pp->name, pn+1);
  72:     if (pp->own_list) {
  73:         numin = set_list(pp->own_list);
  74:         for (num_prp = numin; num_prp; ) {
  75:             prop = getinp("Which property do you wish to trade? ",
  76:                 list);
  77:             if (prop == numin)
  78:                 break;
  79:             else if (used[prop])
  80:                 printf("You've already allocated that.\n");
  81:             else {
  82:                 num_prp--;
  83:                 used[prop] = TRUE;
  84:                 for (op = pp->own_list; prop--; op = op->next)
  85:                     continue;
  86:                 add_list(pn, &(tp->prop_list), sqnum(op->sqr));
  87:             }
  88:         }
  89:     }
  90:     if (pp->money > 0) {
  91:         printf("You have $%d.  ", pp->money);
  92:         tp->cash = get_int("How much are you trading? ");
  93:     }
  94:     if (pp->num_gojf > 0) {
  95: once_more:
  96:         printf("You have %d get-out-of-jail-free cards. ",pp->num_gojf);
  97:         tp->gojf = get_int("How many are you trading? ");
  98:         if (tp->gojf > pp->num_gojf) {
  99:             printf("You don't have that many.  Try again.\n");
 100:             goto once_more;
 101:         }
 102:     }
 103: }
 104: /*
 105:  *	This routine sets up the list of tradable property.
 106:  */
 107: set_list(the_list)
 108: reg OWN *the_list; {
 110:     reg int i;
 111:     reg OWN *op;
 113:     i = 0;
 114:     for (op = the_list; op; op = op->next)
 115:         if (!used[i])
 116:             list[i++] = op->sqr->name;
 117:     list[i++] = "done";
 118:     list[i--] = 0;
 119:     return i;
 120: }
 121: /*
 122:  *	This routine summates the trade.
 123:  */
 124: summate() {
 126:     reg bool    some;
 127:     reg int     i;
 128:     reg TRADE   *tp;
 129:     OWN *op;
 131:     for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
 132:         tp = &trades[i];
 133:         some = FALSE;
 134:         printf("Player %s (%d) gives:\n", play[tp->trader].name,
 135:             tp->trader+1);
 136:         if (tp->cash > 0)
 137:             printf("\t$%d\n", tp->cash), some++;
 138:         if (tp->gojf > 0)
 139:             printf("\t%d get-out-of-jail-free card(s)\n", tp->gojf),
 140:             some++;
 141:         if (tp->prop_list) {
 142:             for (op = tp->prop_list; op; op = op->next)
 143:                 putchar('\t'), printsq(sqnum(op->sqr), TRUE);
 144:             some++;
 145:         }
 146:         if (!some)
 147:             printf("\t-- Nothing --\n");
 148:     }
 149: }
 150: /*
 151:  *	This routine actually executes the trade.
 152:  */
 153: do_trade() {
 155:     move_em(&trades[0], &trades[1]);
 156:     move_em(&trades[1], &trades[0]);
 157: }
 158: /*
 159:  *	This routine does a switch from one player to another
 160:  */
 161: move_em(from, to)
 162: TRADE   *from, *to; {
 164:     reg PLAY    *pl_fr, *pl_to;
 165:     reg OWN     *op;
 167:     pl_fr = &play[from->trader];
 168:     pl_to = &play[to->trader];
 170:     pl_fr->money -= from->cash;
 171:     pl_to->money += from->cash;
 172:     pl_fr->num_gojf -= from->gojf;
 173:     pl_to->num_gojf += from->gojf;
 174:     for (op = from->prop_list; op; op = op->next) {
 175:         add_list(to->trader, &(pl_to->own_list), sqnum(op->sqr));
 176:         op->sqr->owner = to->trader;
 177:         del_list(from->trader, &(pl_fr->own_list), sqnum(op->sqr));
 178:     }
 179:     set_ownlist(to->trader);
 180: }
 181: /*
 182:  *	This routine lets a player resign
 183:  */
 184: resign() {
 186:     reg int i, new_own;
 187:     reg OWN *op;
 188:     SQUARE  *sqp;
 190:     if (cur_p->money <= 0) {
 191:         switch (board[cur_p->loc].type) {
 192:           case UTIL:
 193:           case RR:
 194:           case PRPTY:
 195:             new_own = board[cur_p->loc].owner;
 196:             break;
 197:           case SPEC:
 198:           case CC:
 199:           case CHANCE:
 200:             new_own = num_play;
 201:             break;
 202:         }
 203:         if (new_own == num_play)
 204:             printf("You would resign to the bank\n");
 205:         else
 206:             printf("You would resign to %s\n", name_list[new_own]);
 207:     }
 208:     else if (num_play == 1) {
 209:         new_own = num_play;
 210:         printf("You would resign to the bank\n");
 211:     }
 212:     else {
 213:         name_list[num_play] = "bank";
 214:         do {
 215:             new_own = getinp("Who do you wish to resign to? ",
 216:                 name_list);
 217:             if (new_own == player)
 218:                 printf("You can't resign to yourself!!\n");
 219:         } while (new_own == player);
 220:         name_list[num_play] = "done";
 221:     }
 222:     if (getyn("Do you really want to resign? ", yn) != 0)
 223:         return;
 224:     if (num_play == 1) {
 225:         printf("Then NOBODY wins (not even YOU!)\n");
 226:         exit(0);
 227:     }
 228:     if (new_own < num_play) {   /* resign to player		*/
 229:         printf("resigning to player\n");
 230:         trades[0].trader = new_own;
 231:         trades[0].cash = trades[0].gojf = 0;
 232:         trades[0].prop_list = NULL;
 233:         trades[1].trader = player;
 234:         trades[1].cash = cur_p->money > 0 ? cur_p->money : 0;
 235:         trades[1].gojf = cur_p->num_gojf;
 236:         trades[1].prop_list = cur_p->own_list;
 237:         do_trade();
 238:     }
 239:     else {              /* resign to bank		*/
 240:         printf("resigning to bank\n");
 241:         for (op = cur_p->own_list; op; op = op->next) {
 242:             sqp = op->sqr;
 243:             sqp->owner = -1;
 244:             sqp->desc->morg = FALSE;
 245:             if (op->type == PRPTY) {
 246:                 isnot_monop(sqp->desc->mon_desc);
 247:                 sqp->desc->houses = 0;
 248:             }
 249:         }
 250:         if (cur_p->num_gojf)
 251:             ret_card(cur_p);
 252:     }
 253:     for (i = player; i < num_play; i++) {
 254:         name_list[i] = name_list[i+1];
 255:         if (i + 1 < num_play)
 256:             cpy_st(&play[i], &play[i+1], sizeof (PLAY));
 257:     }
 258:     name_list[num_play--] = 0;
 259:     for (i = 0; i < N_SQRS; i++)
 260:         if (board[i].owner > player)
 261:             --board[i].owner;
 262:     player = --player < 0 ? num_play - 1 : player;
 263:     next_play();
 264:     if (num_play < 2) {
 265:         printf("\nThen %s WINS!!!!!\n", play[0].name);
 266:         printhold(0);
 267:         printf("That's a grand worth of $%d.\n",
 268:             play[0].money+prop_worth(&play[0]));
 269:         exit(0);
 270:     }
 271: }

Defined functions

do_trade defined in line 153; used 2 times
get_list defined in line 56; used 2 times
move_em defined in line 161; used 2 times
resign defined in line 184; never used
set_list defined in line 107; used 1 times
  • in line 73
summate defined in line 124; used 1 times
  • in line 48
trade defined in line 18; never used

Defined variables

list defined in line 12; used 4 times
trades defined in line 16; used 17 times
used defined in line 14; used 4 times

Defined struct's

trd_st defined in line 3; used 2 times
  • in line 10(2)

Defined typedef's

TRADE defined in line 10; used 4 times
Last modified: 1982-06-09
Generated: 2016-12-26
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