1: # include   "monop.ext"
   3: static char *names[N_MON+2],
   4:         cur_prop[80];
   6: static MON  *monops[N_MON];
   8: /*
   9:  *	These routines deal with buying and selling houses
  10:  */
  11: buy_houses() {
  13:     reg int num_mon;
  14:     reg MON *mp;
  15:     reg OWN *op;
  16:     bool    good,got_morg;
  17:     int i,p;
  19: over:
  20:     num_mon = 0;
  21:     good = TRUE;
  22:     got_morg = FALSE;
  23:     for (op = cur_p->own_list; op && op->sqr->type != PRPTY; op = op->next)
  24:         continue;
  25:     while (op)
  26:         if (op->sqr->desc->monop) {
  27:             mp = op->sqr->desc->mon_desc;
  28:             names[num_mon] = (monops[num_mon]=mp)->name;
  29:             num_mon++;
  30:             got_morg = good = FALSE;
  31:             for (i = 0; i < mp->num_in; i++) {
  32:                 if (op->sqr->desc->morg)
  33:                     got_morg++;
  34:                 if (op->sqr->desc->houses != 5)
  35:                     good++;
  36:                 op = op->next;
  37:             }
  38:             if (!good || got_morg)
  39:                 --num_mon;
  40:         }
  41:         else
  42:             op = op->next;
  43:     if (num_mon == 0) {
  44:         if (got_morg)
  45:             printf("You can't build on mortgaged monopolies.\n");
  46:         else if (!good)
  47:             printf("You can't build any more.\n");
  48:         else
  49:             printf("But you don't have any monopolies!!\n");
  50:         return;
  51:     }
  52:     if (num_mon == 1)
  53:         buy_h(monops[0]);
  54:     else {
  55:         names[num_mon++] = "done";
  56:         names[num_mon--] = 0;
  57:         if ((p=getinp("Which property do you wish to buy houses for? ", names)) == num_mon)
  58:             return;
  59:         buy_h(monops[p]);
  60:         goto over;
  61:     }
  62: }
  64: buy_h(mnp)
  65: MON *mnp; {
  67:     reg int i;
  68:     reg MON *mp;
  69:     reg int price;
  70:     shrt    input[3],temp[3];
  71:     int tot;
  72:     PROP    *pp;
  74:     mp = mnp;
  75:     price = mp->h_cost * 50;
  76: blew_it:
  77:     list_cur(mp);
  78:     printf("Houses will cost $%d\n", price);
  79:     printf("How many houses do you wish to buy for\n");
  80:     for (i = 0; i < mp->num_in; i++) {
  81:         pp = mp->sq[i]->desc;
  82: over:
  83:         if (pp->houses == 5) {
  84:             printf("%s (H):\n", mp->sq[i]->name);
  85:             input[i] = 0;
  86:             temp[i] = 5;
  87:             continue;
  88:         }
  89:         sprintf(cur_prop, "%s (%d): ", mp->sq[i]->name, pp->houses);
  90:         input[i] = get_int(cur_prop);
  91:         temp[i] = input[i] + pp->houses;
  92:         if (temp[i] > 5) {
  93:             printf("That's too many.  The most you can buy is %d\n",
  94:                 5 - pp->houses);
  95:                 goto over;
  96:             }
  97:     }
  98:     if (mp->num_in == 3 && (abs(temp[0] - temp[1]) > 1 ||
  99:         abs(temp[0] - temp[2]) > 1 || abs(temp[1] - temp[2]) > 1)) {
 100: err:        printf("That makes the spread too wide.  Try again\n");
 101:         goto blew_it;
 102:     }
 103:     else if (mp->num_in == 2 && abs(temp[0] - temp[1]) > 1)
 104:         goto err;
 105:     for (tot = i = 0; i < mp->num_in; i++)
 106:         tot += input[i];
 107:     if (tot) {
 108:         printf("You asked for %d houses for $%d\n", tot, tot * price);
 109:         if (getyn("Is that ok? ", yn) == 0) {
 110:             cur_p->money -= tot * price;
 111:             for (tot = i = 0; i < mp->num_in; i++)
 112:                 mp->sq[i]->desc->houses = temp[i];
 113:         }
 114:     }
 115: }
 117: /*
 118:  *	This routine sells houses.
 119:  */
 120: sell_houses() {
 122:     reg int num_mon;
 123:     reg MON *mp;
 124:     reg OWN *op;
 125:     bool    good;
 126:     int p;
 128: over:
 129:     num_mon = 0;
 130:     good = TRUE;
 131:     for (op = cur_p->own_list; op; op = op->next)
 132:         if (op->sqr->type == PRPTY && op->sqr->desc->monop) {
 133:             mp = op->sqr->desc->mon_desc;
 134:             names[num_mon] = (monops[num_mon]=mp)->name;
 135:             num_mon++;
 136:             good = 0;
 137:             do
 138:                 if (!good && op->sqr->desc->houses != 0)
 139:                     good++;
 140:             while (op->next && op->sqr->desc->mon_desc == mp
 141:                 && (op=op->next));
 142:             if (!good)
 143:                 --num_mon;
 144:         }
 145:     if (num_mon == 0) {
 146:         printf("You don't have any houses to sell!!\n");
 147:         return;
 148:     }
 149:     if (num_mon == 1)
 150:         sell_h(monops[0]);
 151:     else {
 152:         names[num_mon++] = "done";
 153:         names[num_mon--] = 0;
 154:         if ((p=getinp("Which property do you wish to sell houses from? ", names)) == num_mon)
 155:             return;
 156:         sell_h(monops[p]);
 157:         notify();
 158:         goto over;
 159:     }
 160: }
 162: sell_h(mnp)
 163: MON *mnp; {
 165:     reg int i;
 166:     reg MON *mp;
 167:     reg int price;
 168:     shrt    input[3],temp[3];
 169:     int tot;
 170:     PROP    *pp;
 172:     mp = mnp;
 173:     price = mp->h_cost * 25;
 174: blew_it:
 175:     printf("Houses will get you $%d apiece\n", price);
 176:     list_cur(mp);
 177:     printf("How many houses do you wish to sell from\n");
 178:     for (i = 0; i < mp->num_in; i++) {
 179:         pp = mp->sq[i]->desc;
 180: over:
 181:         if (pp->houses == 0) {
 182:             printf("%s (0):\n", mp->sq[i]->name);
 183:             input[i] = temp[i] = 0;
 184:             continue;
 185:         }
 186:         if (pp->houses < 5)
 187:             sprintf(cur_prop,"%s (%d): ",mp->sq[i]->name,pp->houses);
 188:         else
 189:             sprintf(cur_prop,"%s (H): ",mp->sq[i]->name,pp->houses);
 190:         input[i] = get_int(cur_prop);
 191:         temp[i] = pp->houses - input[i];
 192:         if (temp[i] < 0) {
 193:             printf("That's too many.  The most you can sell is %d\n", pp->houses);
 194:                 goto over;
 195:             }
 196:     }
 197:     if (mp->num_in == 3 && (abs(temp[0] - temp[1]) > 1 ||
 198:         abs(temp[0] - temp[2]) > 1 || abs(temp[1] - temp[2]) > 1)) {
 199: err:        printf("That makes the spread too wide.  Try again\n");
 200:         goto blew_it;
 201:     }
 202:     else if (mp->num_in == 2 && abs(temp[0] - temp[1]) > 1)
 203:         goto err;
 204:     for (tot = i = 0; i < mp->num_in; i++)
 205:         tot += input[i];
 206:     if (tot) {
 207:         printf("You asked to sell %d houses for $%d\n",tot,tot * price);
 208:         if (getyn("Is that ok? ", yn) == 0) {
 209:             cur_p->money += tot * price;
 210:             for (tot = i = 0; i < mp->num_in; i++)
 211:                 mp->sq[i]->desc->houses = temp[i];
 212:         }
 213:     }
 214: }
 216: list_cur(mp)
 217: reg MON *mp; {
 219:     reg int     i;
 220:     reg SQUARE  *sqp;
 222:     for (i = 0; i < mp->num_in; i++) {
 223:         sqp = mp->sq[i];
 224:         if (sqp->desc->houses == 5)
 225:             printf("%s (H) ", sqp->name);
 226:         else
 227:             printf("%s (%d) ", sqp->name, sqp->desc->houses);
 228:     }
 229:     putchar('\n');
 230: }

Defined functions

buy_h defined in line 64; used 2 times
buy_houses defined in line 11; never used
list_cur defined in line 216; used 2 times
sell_h defined in line 162; used 2 times
sell_houses defined in line 120; never used

Defined variables

cur_prop defined in line 4; used 5 times
names defined in line 3; used 8 times
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Generated: 2016-12-26
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