/* * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. The Berkeley Software License Agreement * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. */ #if !defined(lint) && defined(DOSCCS) static char *sccsid = "@(#)sh.glob.c 5.4.1 (2.11BSD) 1996/9/20"; #endif #include "sh.h" #include /* * C Shell */ int globcnt; char *gpath, *gpathp, *lastgpathp; int globbed; bool noglob; bool nonomatch; char *entp; char **sortbas; int sortscmp(); #define sort() qsort((char *)sortbas, &gargv[gargc] - sortbas, \ sizeof(*sortbas), sortscmp), sortbas = &gargv[gargc] char ** glob(v) register char **v; { char agpath[BUFSIZ]; char *agargv[GAVSIZ]; gpath = agpath; gpathp = gpath; *gpathp = 0; lastgpathp = &gpath[sizeof agpath - 2]; ginit(agargv); globcnt = 0; #ifdef GDEBUG printf("glob entered: "); blkpr(v); printf("\n"); #endif noglob = adrof("noglob") != 0; nonomatch = adrof("nonomatch") != 0; globcnt = noglob | nonomatch; while (*v) collect(*v++); #ifdef GDEBUG printf("glob done, globcnt=%d, gflag=%d: ", globcnt, gflag); blkpr(gargv); printf("\n"); #endif if (globcnt == 0 && (gflag&1)) { blkfree(gargv), gargv = 0; return (0); } else return (gargv = copyblk(gargv)); } ginit(agargv) char **agargv; { agargv[0] = 0; gargv = agargv; sortbas = agargv; gargc = 0; gnleft = NCARGS - 4; } collect(as) register char *as; { register int i; if (any('`', as)) { #ifdef GDEBUG printf("doing backp of %s\n", as); #endif (void) dobackp(as, 0); #ifdef GDEBUG printf("backp done, acollect'ing\n"); #endif for (i = 0; i < pargc; i++) if (noglob) { Gcat(pargv[i], ""); sortbas = &gargv[gargc]; } else acollect(pargv[i]); if (pargv) blkfree(pargv), pargv = 0; #ifdef GDEBUG printf("acollect done\n"); #endif } else if (noglob || eq(as, "{") || eq(as, "{}")) { Gcat(as, ""); sort(); } else acollect(as); } acollect(as) register char *as; { register int ogargc = gargc; gpathp = gpath; *gpathp = 0; globbed = 0; expand(as); if (gargc == ogargc) { if (nonomatch) { Gcat(as, ""); sort(); } } else sort(); } /* * String compare for qsort. Also used by filec code in sh.file.c. */ sortscmp(a1, a2) char **a1, **a2; { return (strcmp(*a1, *a2)); } expand(as) char *as; { register char *cs; register char *sgpathp, *oldcs; struct stat stb; sgpathp = gpathp; cs = as; if (*cs == '~' && gpathp == gpath) { addpath('~'); for (cs++; letter(*cs) || digit(*cs) || *cs == '-';) addpath(*cs++); if (!*cs || *cs == '/') { if (gpathp != gpath + 1) { *gpathp = 0; if (gethdir(gpath + 1)) error("Unknown user: %s", gpath + 1); (void) strcpy(gpath, gpath + 1); } else (void) strcpy(gpath, value("home")); gpathp = strend(gpath); } } while (!isglob(*cs)) { if (*cs == 0) { if (!globbed) Gcat(gpath, ""); else if (stat(gpath, &stb) >= 0) { Gcat(gpath, ""); globcnt++; } goto endit; } addpath(*cs++); } oldcs = cs; while (cs > as && *cs != '/') cs--, gpathp--; if (*cs == '/') cs++, gpathp++; *gpathp = 0; if (*oldcs == '{') { (void) execbrc(cs, NOSTR); return; } matchdir(cs); endit: gpathp = sgpathp; *gpathp = 0; } matchdir(pattern) char *pattern; { struct stat stb; register struct direct *dp; register DIR *dirp; dirp = opendir(gpath); if (dirp == NULL) { if (globbed) return; goto patherr2; } if (fstat(dirp->dd_fd, &stb) < 0) goto patherr1; if (!S_ISDIR(stb.st_mode)) { errno = ENOTDIR; goto patherr1; } while ((dp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) { if (dp->d_ino == 0) continue; if (match(dp->d_name, pattern)) { Gcat(gpath, dp->d_name); globcnt++; } } closedir(dirp); return; patherr1: closedir(dirp); patherr2: Perror(gpath); } execbrc(p, s) char *p, *s; { char restbuf[BUFSIZ + 2]; register char *pe, *pm, *pl; int brclev = 0; char *lm, savec, *sgpathp; for (lm = restbuf; *p != '{'; *lm++ = *p++) continue; for (pe = ++p; *pe; pe++) switch (*pe) { case '{': brclev++; continue; case '}': if (brclev == 0) goto pend; brclev--; continue; case '[': for (pe++; *pe && *pe != ']'; pe++) continue; if (!*pe) error("Missing ]"); continue; } pend: if (brclev || !*pe) error("Missing }"); for (pl = pm = p; pm <= pe; pm++) switch (*pm & (QUOTE|TRIM)) { case '{': brclev++; continue; case '}': if (brclev) { brclev--; continue; } goto doit; case ','|QUOTE: case ',': if (brclev) continue; doit: savec = *pm; *pm = 0; (void) strcpy(lm, pl); (void) strcat(restbuf, pe + 1); *pm = savec; if (s == 0) { sgpathp = gpathp; expand(restbuf); gpathp = sgpathp; *gpathp = 0; } else if (amatch(s, restbuf)) return (1); sort(); pl = pm + 1; continue; case '[': for (pm++; *pm && *pm != ']'; pm++) continue; if (!*pm) error("Missing ]"); continue; } return (0); } match(s, p) char *s, *p; { register int c; register char *sentp; char sglobbed = globbed; if (*s == '.' && *p != '.') return (0); sentp = entp; entp = s; c = amatch(s, p); entp = sentp; globbed = sglobbed; return (c); } amatch(s, p) register char *s, *p; { register int scc; int ok, lc; char *sgpathp; struct stat stb; int c, cc; globbed = 1; for (;;) { scc = *s++ & TRIM; switch (c = *p++) { case '{': return (execbrc(p - 1, s - 1)); case '[': ok = 0; lc = 077777; while (cc = *p++) { if (cc == ']') { if (ok) break; return (0); } if (cc == '-') { if (lc <= scc && scc <= *p++) ok++; } else if (scc == (lc = cc)) ok++; } if (cc == 0) error("Missing ]"); continue; case '*': if (!*p) return (1); if (*p == '/') { p++; goto slash; } for (s--; *s; s++) if (amatch(s, p)) return (1); return (0); case 0: return (scc == 0); default: if ((c & TRIM) != scc) return (0); continue; case '?': if (scc == 0) return (0); continue; case '/': if (scc) return (0); slash: s = entp; sgpathp = gpathp; while (*s) addpath(*s++); addpath('/'); if (stat(gpath, &stb) == 0 && S_ISDIR(stb.st_mode)) if (*p == 0) { Gcat(gpath, ""); globcnt++; } else expand(p); gpathp = sgpathp; *gpathp = 0; return (0); } } } Gmatch(s, p) register char *s, *p; { register int scc; int ok, lc; int c, cc; for (;;) { scc = *s++ & TRIM; switch (c = *p++) { case '[': ok = 0; lc = 077777; while (cc = *p++) { if (cc == ']') { if (ok) break; return (0); } if (cc == '-') { if (lc <= scc && scc <= *p++) ok++; } else if (scc == (lc = cc)) ok++; } if (cc == 0) bferr("Missing ]"); continue; case '*': if (!*p) return (1); for (s--; *s; s++) if (Gmatch(s, p)) return (1); return (0); case 0: return (scc == 0); default: if ((c & TRIM) != scc) return (0); continue; case '?': if (scc == 0) return (0); continue; } } } Gcat(s1, s2) char *s1, *s2; { register char *p, *q; int n; for (p = s1; *p++;) ; for (q = s2; *q++;) ; gnleft -= (n = (p - s1) + (q - s2) - 1); if (gnleft <= 0 || ++gargc >= GAVSIZ) error("Arguments too long"); gargv[gargc] = 0; p = gargv[gargc - 1] = xalloc((unsigned)n); for (q = s1; *p++ = *q++;) ; for (p--, q = s2; *p++ = *q++;) ; } addpath(c) char c; { if (gpathp >= lastgpathp) error("Pathname too long"); *gpathp++ = c & TRIM; *gpathp = 0; } rscan(t, f) register char **t; int (*f)(); { register char *p; while (p = *t++) while (*p) (*f)(*p++); } trim(t) register char **t; { register char *p; while (p = *t++) while (*p) *p++ &= TRIM; } tglob(t) register char **t; { register char *p, c; while (p = *t++) { if (*p == '~') gflag |= 2; else if (*p == '{' && (p[1] == '\0' || p[1] == '}' && p[2] == '\0')) continue; while (c = *p++) if (isglob(c)) gflag |= c == '{' ? 2 : 1; } } char * globone(str) register char *str; { char *gv[2]; register char **gvp; register char *cp; gv[0] = str; gv[1] = 0; gflag = 0; tglob(gv); if (gflag) { gvp = glob(gv); if (gvp == 0) { setname(str); bferr("No match"); } cp = *gvp++; if (cp == 0) cp = ""; else if (*gvp) { setname(str); bferr("Ambiguous"); } else cp = strip(cp); /* if (cp == 0 || *gvp) { setname(str); bferr(cp ? "Ambiguous" : "No output"); } */ xfree((char *)gargv); gargv = 0; } else { trim(gv); cp = savestr(gv[0]); } return (cp); } /* * Command substitute cp. If literal, then this is * a substitution from a << redirection, and so we should * not crunch blanks and tabs, separating words only at newlines. */ char ** dobackp(cp, literal) char *cp; bool literal; { register char *lp, *rp; char *ep; char word[BUFSIZ]; char *apargv[GAVSIZ + 2]; if (pargv) { abort(); blkfree(pargv); } pargv = apargv; pargv[0] = NOSTR; pargcp = pargs = word; pargc = 0; pnleft = BUFSIZ - 4; for (;;) { for (lp = cp; *lp != '`'; lp++) { if (*lp == 0) { if (pargcp != pargs) pword(); #ifdef GDEBUG printf("leaving dobackp\n"); #endif return (pargv = copyblk(pargv)); } psave(*lp); } lp++; for (rp = lp; *rp && *rp != '`'; rp++) if (*rp == '\\') { rp++; if (!*rp) goto oops; } if (!*rp) oops: error("Unmatched `"); ep = savestr(lp); ep[rp - lp] = 0; backeval(ep, literal); #ifdef GDEBUG printf("back from backeval\n"); #endif cp = rp + 1; } } backeval(cp, literal) char *cp; bool literal; { int pvec[2]; int quoted = (literal || (cp[0] & QUOTE)) ? QUOTE : 0; char ibuf[BUFSIZ]; register int icnt = 0, c; register char *ip; bool hadnl = 0; char *fakecom[2]; struct command faket; faket.t_dtyp = TCOM; faket.t_dflg = 0; faket.t_dlef = 0; faket.t_drit = 0; faket.t_dspr = 0; faket.t_dcom = fakecom; fakecom[0] = "` ... `"; fakecom[1] = 0; /* * We do the psave job to temporarily change the current job * so that the following fork is considered a separate job. * This is so that when backquotes are used in a * builtin function that calls glob the "current job" is not corrupted. * We only need one level of pushed jobs as long as we are sure to * fork here. */ psavejob(); /* * It would be nicer if we could integrate this redirection more * with the routines in sh.sem.c by doing a fake execute on a builtin * function that was piped out. */ mypipe(pvec); if (pfork(&faket, -1) == 0) { struct wordent paraml; struct command *t; (void) close(pvec[0]); (void) dmove(pvec[1], 1); (void) dmove(SHDIAG, 2); initdesc(); arginp = cp; while (*cp) *cp++ &= TRIM; (void) lex(¶ml); if (err) error(err); alias(¶ml); t = syntax(paraml.next, ¶ml, 0); if (err) error(err); if (t) t->t_dflg |= FPAR; (void) signal(SIGTSTP, SIG_IGN); (void) signal(SIGTTIN, SIG_IGN); (void) signal(SIGTTOU, SIG_IGN); execute(t, -1); exitstat(); } xfree(cp); (void) close(pvec[1]); do { int cnt = 0; for (;;) { if (icnt == 0) { ip = ibuf; icnt = read(pvec[0], ip, BUFSIZ); if (icnt <= 0) { c = -1; break; } } if (hadnl) break; --icnt; c = (*ip++ & TRIM); if (c == 0) break; if (c == '\n') { /* * Continue around the loop one * more time, so that we can eat * the last newline without terminating * this word. */ hadnl = 1; continue; } if (!quoted && (c == ' ' || c == '\t')) break; cnt++; psave(c | quoted); } /* * Unless at end-of-file, we will form a new word * here if there were characters in the word, or in * any case when we take text literally. If * we didn't make empty words here when literal was * set then we would lose blank lines. */ if (c != -1 && (cnt || literal)) pword(); hadnl = 0; } while (c >= 0); #ifdef GDEBUG printf("done in backeval, pvec: %d %d\n", pvec[0], pvec[1]); printf("also c = %c <%o>\n", c, c); #endif (void) close(pvec[0]); pwait(); prestjob(); } psave(c) char c; { if (--pnleft <= 0) error("Word too long"); *pargcp++ = c; } pword() { psave(0); if (pargc == GAVSIZ) error("Too many words from ``"); pargv[pargc++] = savestr(pargs); pargv[pargc] = NOSTR; #ifdef GDEBUG printf("got word %s\n", pargv[pargc-1]); #endif pargcp = pargs; pnleft = BUFSIZ - 4; }