1: # include   "../ingres.h"
   2: # include   "../aux.h"
   3: # include   "../tree.h"
   4: # include   "parser.h"
   5: # include   "../catalog.h"
   6: # include   "../symbol.h"
   8: /*
   9: **  P_UTIL -- parser utility functions
  10: **
  11: **	These functions are generally unrelated except that they are
  12: **	needed to operate the parser and are too small to be considered
  13: **	seperate modules.
  14: **
  15: **	Defined Constants:
  16: **
  17: **	Defines:
  18: **		timeofday	-- convert arguments to minutes since midnight
  19: **		tlprepend	-- attach two target list components
  20: **		header		-- prints the header for a retrieve to terminal
  21: **		patmat		-- converts pattern matching characters in a string
  22: **		permcom		-- adds a command to the permit command vector
  23: **
  24: **	Requires:
  25: **		nothing
  26: **
  27: **	Required By:
  28: **		y.tab.c		-- the grammar
  29: **
  30: **	Files:
  31: **		none
  32: **
  33: **	Compilation Flags:
  34: **		none
  35: **
  36: **	Trace Flags:
  37: **		none at present
  38: **
  39: **	History:
  40: **		20 Dec 1978	-- written (rick)
  41: */
  50: /*
  51: **  TIMEOFDAY -- convert 2 integers to minutes since midnight
  52: **
  53: **	Converts the hours and minutes parameters to minutes since midnight
  54: **	performing some error (bounds) checking on the time.
  55: **
  56: **	To answer the question about what is midnight, both 0:00 and 24:00
  57: **	are handled, but not the same way.  The former is zero minutes from
  58: **	midnight and the latter is 1440 minutes from midnight.  (1440 is
  59: **	24 hrs times 60 minutes, or 1 minute past the end of the day.)
  60: **
  61: **	Parameters:
  62: **		hrs		-- an integer pointer to the hour
  63: **		mins		-- an integer pointer to the minutes
  64: **
  65: **	Returns:
  66: **		integer time since midnight
  67: **
  68: **	Side Effects:
  69: **		may detect an error and call yyerror which never returns.
  70: **
  71: **	Requires:
  72: **		that the pointers be on integer boundaries
  73: **
  74: **	Called By:
  75: **		y.tab.c		-- the grammar
  76: **
  77: **	Trace Flags:
  78: **		none
  79: **
  80: **	Diagnostics:
  81: **		BADHOURS	-- No such hour
  82: **		BADMINS		-- No such minute
  83: **		BAD24TIME	-- only 24:00 allowed
  84: **
  85: **	Syserrs:
  86: **		none
  87: **
  88: **	History:
  89: **		20 Dec 1978 	-- written (rick)
  90: */
  91: timeofday(hrs, mins)
  92: int *hrs;
  93: int *mins;
  94: {
  95:     register int    h;
  96:     register int    m;
  97:     register int    rtval;
  99:     h = *hrs;
 100:     m = *mins;
 101:     if (h > 24 || h < 0)
 102:         /* no such hour */
 103:         yyerror(BADHOURS, iocv(h), 0);
 104:     if (m > 59 || h < 0)
 105:         /* no such minute */
 106:         yyerror(BADMINS, iocv(m), 0);
 107:     if (h == 24)
 108:     {
 109:         h = 1440;
 110:         if (m != 0)
 111:             /* can only use 24:00 */
 112:             yyerror(BAD24TIME, iocv(m), 0);
 113:     }
 114:     rtval = (h * 60) + m;
 115:     return (rtval);
 116: }
 119: /*
 120: **  TLPREPEND -- combine two target list components
 121: **
 122: **	Attach two target list components to each other.
 123: **	Neither component need be a single element.  The
 124: **	'a' component will be attached at the extreme left
 125: **	of the 'b' component.
 126: **
 127: **	Parameters:
 128: **		a		-- tl component to attach
 129: **		b		-- tl base for attaching
 130: **
 131: **	Returns:
 132: **		nothing
 133: **
 134: **	Side Effects:
 135: **		this routine is a side effect.  It attaches a to b
 136: **		and when it returns a is attached to b but the pointer
 137: **		to b never changes (neither does the pointer to a)
 138: **
 139: **	Requires:
 140: **		nothing
 141: **
 142: **	Called By:
 143: **		y.tab.c		-- the grammar
 144: **
 145: **	Trace Flags:
 146: **		none
 147: **
 148: **	Diagnostics:
 149: **		none
 150: **
 151: **	Syserrs:
 152: **		none
 153: **
 154: **	History:
 155: **		20 Dec 1978	-- written (rick)
 156: */
 158: struct querytree *
 159: tlprepend(a, b)
 160: struct querytree    *a;
 161: struct querytree    *b;
 162: {
 163:     register struct querytree   *q;
 165:     /* scan to the left end of b */
 166:     for (q = b; q->left != NULL; q = q->left)
 167:         ;   /* no action */
 169:     /* attach a to the end of b */
 170:     q->left = a;
 171:     return (b);
 172: }
 179: /*
 180: **  HEADER.C -- print header for retrieve to terminal
 181: **
 182: **	header scans the parameter list managed with "initp" and
 183: **	"setp" to reconstruct the field names and types and passing
 184: **	them to the normal printhdr etc.
 185: **
 186: **	Defines:
 187: **		header()
 188: **
 189: **	Requires:
 190: **		printhdr	- utility lib
 191: **		beginhdr	- utility lib
 192: **		printeol	- utility lib
 193: **		printeh		- utility lib
 194: **		initp		- soon to become utility lib
 195: **		atoi		- utility lib
 196: **		Pc		- vble, number of params in list
 197: **		Pv		- vble, list of parameters
 198: **
 199: **	History:
 200: **		written (ancient history) (rick)
 201: */
 202: header()
 203: {
 204:     register char   *ptr;
 205:     register int    i;
 206:     int     j;
 208:     beginhdr();
 209:     for (i = 0; i < Pc; i += 2)
 210:     {
 211:         atoi(&Pv[i + 1][1], &j);
 212:         printhdr(Pv[i + 1][0] & I1MASK, j, Pv[i]);
 213:     }
 214:     printeol();
 215:     printeh();
 216:     initp();
 217: }
 224: /*
 225: **  PATMAT -- converts pattern matching characters in a string
 226: **
 227: **	Searches a string up to a null byte for one of the pattern
 228: **	matching characters '*', '?', '[', and ']'. It then converts
 229: **	these characters to their internal control character equivalents.
 230: **
 231: **	Parameters:
 232: **		str		-- the string to search
 233: **
 234: **	Returns:
 235: **		0		-- no pattern matching in string
 236: **		1		-- at least one pattern matching character
 237: **
 238: **	Side Effects:
 239: **		none
 240: **
 241: **	Requires:
 242: **		symbol.h
 243: **
 244: **	Called By:
 245: **		y.tab.c		-- grammar
 246: **
 247: **	Trace Flags:
 248: **		none
 249: **
 250: **	Diagnostics:
 251: **		none
 252: **
 253: **	Syserrs:
 254: **		none
 255: **
 256: **	History:
 257: **		written (ancient history) (rick)
 258: */
 261: /*
 262: ** PATMAT
 263: **	hunts through a string and converts the pattern matching
 264: **	characters and replaces with the corresponding cntrl chars
 265: */
 266: patmat(str)
 267: char    *str;
 268: {
 269:     register char   *p, *q;
 270:     register int    flag;
 272:     flag = 0;
 273:     q = str;
 274:     for (p = str; *p; p++)
 275:     {
 276:         if (*p == '\\')
 277:         {
 278:             *q++ = *++p;
 279:             continue;
 280:         }
 281:         switch (*p)
 282:         {
 283:           case '*':
 284:             *q++ = PAT_ANY;
 285:             flag = 1;
 286:             continue;
 288:           case '?':
 289:             *q++ = PAT_ONE;
 290:             flag = 1;
 291:             continue;
 293:           case '[':
 294:             *q++ = PAT_LBRAC;
 295:             flag = 1;
 296:             continue;
 298:           case ']':
 299:             *q++ = PAT_RBRAC;
 300:             flag = 1;
 301:             continue;
 302:         }
 303:         *q++ = *p;
 304:     }
 305:     *q = '\0';
 306:     return (flag);
 307: }
 308: /*
 309: **  PERMCOM -- map command allowed into protection catalog bits
 310: **
 311: **	translates the QMODE type symbols into the appropriate counterparts
 312: **	for the permit statement allowed command vector.  The manifest
 313: **	constants are designed to be inclusive or'd together to form a
 314: **	composite bit map of OK actions.
 315: **
 316: **	Parameters:
 317: **		a		-- the QMODE type symbol for the command to add
 318: **
 319: **	Returns:
 320: **		none
 321: **
 322: **	Side Effects:
 323: **		changes the variable Permcomd to reflect the additional permission
 324: **
 325: **	Requires:
 326: **		Permcomd must be define globally
 327: **		catalog.h for the proper constants
 328: **
 329: **	Called By:
 330: **		y.tab.c		-- the grammar
 331: **
 332: **	Trace Flags:
 333: **		none
 334: **
 335: **	Diagnostics:
 336: **		none
 337: **
 338: **	Syserrs:
 339: **		bad QMODE(%d)	-- a bad symbol has been passed for mapping
 340: **
 341: **	History:
 342: **		28 Dec 1978	-- written (rick)
 343: */
 345: permcom(a)
 346: int a;
 347: {
 348:     switch (a)
 349:     {
 350:       case mdRETR:
 351:         Permcomd |= PRO_RETR;
 352:         break;
 354:       case mdAPP:
 355:         Permcomd |= PRO_APP;
 356:         break;
 358:       case mdREPL:
 359:         Permcomd |= PRO_REPL;
 360:         break;
 362:       case mdDEL:
 363:         Permcomd |= PRO_DEL;
 364:         break;
 366:       case -1:
 367:         Permcomd |= 0177777;        /* all bits set */
 368:         break;
 370:       default:
 371:         syserr("permcom: bad QMODE(%d)", a);
 372:     }
 373: }

Defined functions

header defined in line 202; used 1 times
patmat defined in line 266; used 1 times
permcom defined in line 345; used 5 times
timeofday defined in line 91; used 2 times
tlprepend defined in line 158; used 5 times
Last modified: 1995-02-04
Generated: 2016-12-26
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