# include "../ingres.h" # include "../aux.h" # include "../pipes.h" # include "parser.h" # include "../symbol.h" /* ** CALL_P -- send the buffered command ** the execid and funcid are given. */ call_p(qmode, execid) int qmode; int execid; { struct pipfrmt p; register struct pipfrmt *pp; register int i; pp = &p; wrpipe(P_PRIME, pp, execid, 0, qmode); for (i = 0; i < Pc; i++) { # ifdef xPTR2 tTfp(6, 0, "Pv[%d]=%s\n", i, Pv[i]); # endif wrpipe(P_NORM, pp, W_down, Pv[i], 0); } wrpipe(P_END, pp, W_down); initp(); syncdn(); } # define PARGSIZE (MAXDOM * 2 + 10) /* max no of params to dbu */ setp(msg) char *msg; { register char *p; register char *s; char *need(); s = msg; p = need(Pbuffer, length(s) + 1); smove(s, p); Pv[Pc++] = p; if (Pc >= PARGSIZE) syserr("SETP: oflo args=%d", Pc); } initp() { extern int neederr(); char *need(); initbuf(Pbuffer, PARBUFSIZ, PBUFOFLO, &neederr); Pv = (char **) need(Pbuffer, PARGSIZE * (sizeof(*Pv))); Pc = 0; }