# include "../ingres.h" # include "../aux.h" # include "../catalog.h" # include "../symbol.h" # include "../access.h" # include "../batch.h" secupdate(rel) struct descriptor *rel; { register struct descriptor *r; register char *p; register int i; int j, domcnt, mode, dom; long tupcnt; long oldtid, newtid; long lotid, hitid, uptid; char oldtup[MAXTUP], newtup[MAXTUP]; char oldkey[MAXTUP], newkey[MAXTUP]; char dumtup[MAXTUP]; struct index itup; struct descriptor si_desc; extern struct descriptor Inddes; struct key_pt { char *pt_old; char *pt_new; }; struct key_pt keys[MAXKEYS+1]; long ltemp; r = rel; mode = Batchhd.mode_up; Batch_dirty = FALSE; # ifdef xZTR1 if (tTf(15, -1)) printf("SECUPDATE\n"); # endif opencatalog("indexes", 0); setkey(&Inddes, &itup, r->relid, IRELIDP); setkey(&Inddes, &itup, r->relowner, IOWNERP); if (i = find(&Inddes, EXACTKEY, &lotid, &hitid, &itup)) syserr("secupdate:find indexes %d", i); /* update each secondary index */ while(!(i = get(&Inddes, &lotid, &hitid, &itup, TRUE))) { /* check if the index is on the right relation */ # ifdef xZTR1 if (tTf(15, 7)) printup(&Inddes, &itup); # endif if (!bequal(itup.irelidp, r->relid, MAXNAME) || !bequal(itup.iownerp, r->relowner, 2)) continue; if (i = openr(&si_desc, 1, itup.irelidi)) syserr("secupdate:can't openr %.12s %d", itup.irelidi, i); /* reposition batch file to the beginning. */ ltemp = 0; if (lseek(Batch_fp, ltemp, 0) < 0) syserr("secupdate:seek %d", Batch_fp); Batch_cnt = BATCHSIZE; getbatch(&Batchhd, sizeof Batchhd); /* reread header */ /* set up the key structure */ p = itup.idom; for (domcnt = 0; domcnt < MAXKEYS; domcnt++) { if ((dom = *p++) == 0) break; /* no more key domains */ # ifdef xZTR1 if (tTf(15, 15)) printf("dom %d,tupo_off %d\n", dom, Batchhd.si[dom].tupo_off); # endif keys[domcnt].pt_old = &oldtup[Batchhd.si[dom].tupo_off]; keys[domcnt].pt_new = &newtup[r->reloff[dom]]; } /* the last domain is the "tidp" field */ keys[domcnt].pt_old = (char *) &oldtid; keys[domcnt].pt_new = (char *) &newtid; /* ** Start reading the batch file and updating ** the secondary indexes. */ tupcnt = Batchhd.num_updts; while (tupcnt--) { getbatch(&oldtid, Batchhd.tido_size); getbatch(oldtup, Batchhd.tupo_size); getbatch(newtup, Batchhd.tupn_size); getbatch(&newtid, Batchhd.tidn_size); /* if this is a replace or append form the new key */ if (mode != mdDEL) { for (j = 0; j <= domcnt; j++) setkey(&si_desc, newkey, keys[j].pt_new, j+1); # ifdef xZTR1 if (tTf(15, 7)) printup(&si_desc, newkey); # endif } /* if this is delete or replace form the old key */ if (mode != mdAPP) { for (j = 0; j <= domcnt; j++) setkey(&si_desc, oldkey, keys[j].pt_old, j+1); # ifdef xZTR1 if (tTf(15, 8)) printup(&si_desc, oldkey); # endif } switch (mode) { case mdDEL: if (i = getequal(&si_desc, oldkey, dumtup, &uptid)) { if (i > 0) break; syserr("secupdate:getequal %d", i); } if ((i = delete(&si_desc, &uptid)) < 0) syserr("secupdate:delete %d", i); break; case mdREPL: /* if the newtup = oldtup then do nothing */ if (bequal(oldkey, newkey, si_desc.relwid)) break; if (i = getequal(&si_desc, oldkey, dumtup, &uptid)) { if (Batch_recovery && i > 0) goto secinsert; syserr("secupdate:getequal-repl %d", i); } if (i = replace(&si_desc, &uptid, newkey, TRUE)) { /* if newtuple is dup of old, ok */ if (i == 1) break; /* if this is recovery and old tid not there, try an insert */ if (Batch_recovery && i == 2) goto secinsert; syserr("secupdate:replace %d", i); } break; case mdAPP: secinsert: if ((i = insert(&si_desc, &uptid, newkey, TRUE)) < 0) syserr("secupdate:insert %d", i); } } if (i = closer(&si_desc)) syserr("secupdate:closer %.12s %d", si_desc.relid, i); } if (i < 0) syserr("secupdate:bad get from indexes %d", i); }