1: # include   "../ingres.h"
   2: # include   "../access.h"
   3: # include   "../aux.h"
   4: # include   "../lock.h"
   9: /*
  11: **
  12: **	Parmv[0] through Parmv [parmc -1] contain names
  13: **	of relations to be printed on the standard output.
  14: **	Note that this calls printatt, so all the output formatting
  15: **	features associated with printatt are available here.
  16: **
  17: **	Parmv[parmc] is -1 for a "normal" print, -2 for headers on
  18: **	every page, and -3 for all headers and footers suppressed.
  19: **	err_array is set to 0 for a good relation, 1 for no
  20: **	relation by that name, and -1 for a view.
  21: **
  22: **	Uses trace flag 8
  23: **
  24: **	Returns:
  25: **		0 if no errors else the last error number
  26: **
  27: **	Diagnostics:
  28: **		5001 -- non-existant relation
  29: **		5002 -- tried to print a view
  30: **		5003 -- protection violation
  31: **
  32: **	History:
  33: **		12/18/78 (rse) -- added protection check, modified the way
  34: **				err_array was handled.
  35: **		9/12/78 -- (marc) err_array[] added, and openr()
  36: **			   call split in two to allow error messages
  37: **			   when trying to print views. error #s
  38: **			   5002 & 3 added.
  39: **		9/25/78 -- (marc) openr's merged after openr of view error
  40: */
  42: print(parmc, parmv)
  43: int parmc;
  44: char    **parmv;
  45: {
  46:     struct descriptor       d;
  47:     extern struct descriptor    Attdes;
  48:     struct attribute        att, katt;
  49:     char                tuple[MAXTUP];
  50:     struct tup_id           tid, limtid;
  51:     struct tup_id           stid;
  52:     register int            i;
  53:     register int            ern;
  54:     register char           *name;
  55:     extern struct out_arg       Out_arg;
  56:     int             mode;
  57:     int             lineno;
  58:     int             pc;
  59:     int             err_array[MAXPARMS];
  61: #	ifdef xZTR1
  62:     if (tTf(8, -1) || tTf(0, 8))
  63:         printf("entering print\n");
  64: #	endif
  65:     mode = (int) parmv[parmc] + 2;
  66:     opencatalog("attribute", 0);
  68:     for (pc = 0; pc < parmc; pc++)
  69:     {
  70:         name = parmv[pc];
  72:         ern = openr(&d, 0, name);
  73:         if (ern == AMOPNVIEW_ERR)
  74:         {
  75:             err_array[pc] = 5002;
  76:             continue;
  77:         }
  78:         if (ern > 0)
  79:         {
  80:             err_array[pc] = 5001;
  81:             continue;
  82:         }
  83:         if (ern < 0)
  84:             syserr("printr:openr target %s, %d",
  85:             name, ern);
  86:         if ((d.relstat & S_PROTALL) && (d.relstat & S_PROTRET) &&
  87:             !bequal(Usercode, d.relowner, 2))
  88:         {
  89:             err_array[pc] = 5003;
  90:             continue;
  91:         }
  94:         /* a printable relation */
  95:         err_array[pc] = 0;
  96: #		ifdef xZTR2
  97:         if (tTf(8, 1))
  98:             printdesc(&d);
  99: #		endif
 100:         lineno = Out_arg.linesperpage - 6;
 101:         if (mode >= 0)
 102:         {
 103:             if (mode == 0)
 104:                 putchar('\014');    /* form feed */
 105:             printf("\n%s relation\n", name);
 106:             lineno -= 2;
 107:         }
 109:         find(&d, NOKEY, &tid, &limtid);
 111:         if (Lockrel)
 112:             setrll(A_SLP, d.reltid, M_SHARE);   /* set shared lock on relation*/
 113:         for (;;)
 114:         {
 115:             if (mode >= 0)
 116:             {
 117:                 beginhdr();
 118:                 seq_init(&Attdes, &d);
 119:                 for (i = 1; seq_attributes(&Attdes, &d, &att); i++)
 120:                 {
 121:                     printhdr(d.relfrmt[i], d.relfrml[i], att.attname);
 122:                 }
 123:                 printeol();
 124:                 printeh();
 125:                 lineno -= 3;
 126:             }
 128: #			ifdef xZTM
 129:             if(tTf(76, 1))
 130:                 timtrace(29, 0);
 131: #			endif
 132:             while ((ern = get(&d, &tid, &limtid, tuple, TRUE)) == 0)
 133:             {
 134:                 printup(&d, tuple);
 135:                 if (mode == 0 && --lineno <= 0)
 136:                 {
 137:                     printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n");
 138:                     lineno = Out_arg.linesperpage - 6;
 139:                     break;
 140:                 }
 141:             }
 142: #			ifdef xZTM
 143:             if(tTf(76, 1))
 144:                 timtrace(30, 0);
 145: #			endif
 146:             if (ern > 0)
 147:                 break;
 149:             if (ern < 0)
 150:                 syserr("print: get %d", ern);
 151:         }
 153:         if (mode >= 0)
 154:             printeh();
 155:         if (Lockrel)
 156:             unlrl(d.reltid);    /* release relation lock */
 158:         closer(&d);
 159:     }
 160:     /* check for any error messages that should be printed */
 161:     ern = 0;
 162:     for (pc = 0; pc < parmc; pc++)
 163:     {
 164:         if (i = err_array[pc])
 165:         {
 166:             ern = error(i, parmv[pc], 0);
 167:         }
 168:     }
 169:     return (ern);
 170: }

Defined functions

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