1: # include   "../ingres.h"
   2: # include   "../aux.h"
   3: # include   "../catalog.h"
   4: # include   "../access.h"
   6: /*
   7: **  HELP - Provide Information to User
   8: **
   9: **	Arguments:
  10: **		pv[i] - code
  11: **			0 - print relation information
  12: **			1 - print manual section
  13: **			2 - print relation list
  14: **			3 - print relation info for all accessible relations
  15: **		pv[i+1] - name of entity for modes 0 or 1
  16: **
  17: **	Uses trace flags 10, 11, 12, and 13
  18: */
  20: help(parmc, parmv)
  21: int parmc;
  22: char    **parmv;
  23: {
  24:     struct descriptor       des;
  25:     int             mode;
  26:     register char           **pv;
  27:     register int            ret;
  29:     ret = 0;
  30:     pv = parmv;
  31:     getuser(-1);    /* init getuser for modes 1 & 2 */
  32:     while (*pv != -1)
  33:     {
  35:         if (atoi(*pv++, &mode))
  36:         {
  37:         badmode:
  38:             syserr("HELP: mode %s", *--pv);
  39:         }
  41: #		ifdef xZTR1
  42:         if (tTf(10, -1) || tTf(0, 10))
  43:         {
  44:             printf("help %d", mode);
  45:             if (mode != 2)
  46:                 printf(" %s", *pv);
  47:             putchar('\n');
  48:         }
  49: #		endif
  50:         switch (mode)
  51:         {
  53:           case 0:   /* help relation */
  54:             if (!openr(&des, -1, *pv))
  55:             {
  56:                 rel_fmt(&des);
  57:                 *pv = 0;
  58:             }
  59:             pv++;
  60:             break;
  62:           case 1:   /* help manual section */
  63:             if (man(*pv))
  64:                 *pv = 0;
  65:             pv++;
  66:             break;
  68:           case 2:
  69:           case 3:
  70:             relpr(mode);
  71:             break;
  73:           default:
  74:             goto badmode;
  75:         }
  76:     }
  77:     getuser(0); /* close getuser in case mode 1 or 2 */
  79:     /* now rescan for error messages */
  80:     pv = parmv;
  81:     while (*pv != -1)
  82:     {
  83:         atoi(*pv++, &mode);
  85:         switch (mode)
  86:         {
  88:           case 0:
  89:           case 1:
  90:             if (*pv)
  91:                 ret = error(5401 + mode, *pv, 0);
  92:             break;
  94:           case 2:
  95:           case 3:
  96:             continue;
  97:         }
  98:         pv++;
  99:     }
 100:     return (ret);
 101: }
 104: /*
 105: **  Nroff Manual Section
 106: **
 107: **	The manual section given by 'name' is nroff'ed.  Returns one
 108: **	on success, zero if the manual section is not found.
 109: **
 110: **	Uses trace flag 11
 111: */
 113: man(name)
 114: char    *name;
 115: {
 116:     char        manual[100];
 117:     register int    i;
 118:     int     stat;
 119:     char        name_nr[18];
 120:     register char   *naa;
 121:     char        *ztack();
 123:     if (length(name) > 14)
 124:         return (0);
 126:     /* a null manual name gives table of contents */
 127:     if (name[0] == 0)
 128:         smove("../toc.nr", name_nr);
 129:     else
 130:         concat(name, ".nr", name_nr);
 132:     concat(ztack(Pathname, "/doc/quel/"), name_nr, manual);
 133:     if ((i = open(manual, 0)) < 0)
 134:     {
 135:         /* try a unix command instead */
 136:         concat(ztack(Pathname, "/doc/unix/"), name_nr, manual);
 137:         if ((i = open(manual, 0)) < 0)
 138:             return (0);
 139:     }
 140:     if (close(i))
 141:         syserr("cannot close %s", manual);
 142:     ruboff(0);  /* wait for child's death if rubout occures */
 143:     i = fork();
 144:     if (i == 0)
 145:     {
 146:         signal(2, 0);   /* die on rubout */
 147:         setuid(getuid());
 148: #		ifndef xB_UNIX
 149:         setgid(getgid());
 150: #		endif
 151:         naa = ztack(Pathname, "/doc/iaa");
 152:         execl("/bin/nroff", "nroff", naa, manual, 0);
 153:         execl("/usr/bin/nroff", "nroff", naa, manual, 0);
 154:         syserr("help: exec: nroff");
 155:     }
 156:     /* wait for nroff if fork succeeded */
 157:     if (i > 0)
 158:         fullwait(i, "help: nroff");
 159:     rubon();
 160:     return (1);
 161: }
 164: /*
 166: **
 167: **	Prints a list of all the relations in the database, together
 168: **	with their owner.
 169: **
 170: **	Uses trace flag 12
 171: */
 173: relpr(mode)
 174: int mode;
 175: {
 176:     extern struct descriptor    Reldes;
 177:     register struct descriptor  *d;
 178:     register int            i;
 179:     register char           *cp;
 180:     struct tup_id           limtid, tid;
 181:     char                buf[MAXLINE + 1];
 182:     char                lastuser[2];
 183:     struct relation         rel;
 184:     char                *bmove();
 186:     opencatalog("relation", 0);
 187:     d = &Reldes;
 188:     if (i = find(d, NOKEY, &tid, &limtid))
 189:         syserr("help: relpr: find %d", i);
 191:     lastuser[0] = '\0';
 193:     if (mode == 2)
 194:         printf("\n relation name     relation owner\n\n");
 196:     while ((i = get(d, &tid, &limtid, &rel, 1)) == 0)
 197:     {
 198:         if (mode == 2)
 199:         {
 200:             if (!bequal(lastuser, rel.relowner, 2))
 201:             {
 202:                 if (getuser(rel.relowner, buf))
 203:                 {
 204:                     /* cant find user code */
 205:                     cp = bmove("  ", buf, 2);
 206:                     cp = bmove(rel.relowner, cp, 2);
 207:                     *cp = '\0';
 208:                 }
 209:                 else
 210:                 {
 211:                     for (cp = buf; *cp != ':'; cp++)
 212:                         ;
 213:                     *cp = '\0';
 214:                 }
 215:                 bmove(rel.relowner, lastuser, 2);
 216:             }
 217:             printf(" %.12s      %s\n", rel.relid, buf);
 218:         }
 219:         else
 220:         {
 221:             if ((rel.relstat & S_CATALOG) || bequal("_SYS", rel.relid, 4))
 222:                 continue;
 223:             if (bequal(Usercode, rel.relowner, 2) || bequal(Admin.adhdr.adowner, rel.relowner, 2))
 224:                 rel_fmt(&rel);
 225:         }
 226:     }
 228:     if (i < 0)
 229:         syserr("help: relpr: get %d", i);
 230:     if (mode == 2)
 231:         printf("\n");
 232:     return (0);
 233: }
 237: /*
 238: **  Print Relation Information
 239: **
 240: **	Prints detailed information regarding the relation.
 241: **
 242: **	Uses trace flag 13
 243: */
 245: rel_fmt(rel)
 246: struct relation *rel;
 247: {
 248:     struct tup_id           limtid, tid;
 249:     char                buf[MAXLINE + 1];
 250:     struct attribute        att;
 251:     struct index            indkey, ind;
 252:     register int            i;
 253:     int             j;
 254:     extern struct descriptor    Attdes, Inddes;
 255:     register struct relation    *r;
 256:     char                *trim_relname();
 258:     r = rel;
 259:     printf("\nRelation:\t\t%s\n", trim_relname(r->relid));
 260:     i = getuser(r->relowner, buf);
 261:     if (i)
 262:     {
 263:         smove("(xx)", buf);
 264:         bmove(r->relowner, &buf[1], 2);
 265:     }
 266:     else
 267:     {
 268:         for (i = 0; buf[i] != ':'; i++)
 269:             continue;
 270:         buf[i] = 0;
 271:     }
 272:     printf("Owner:\t\t\t%s\n", buf);
 273:     printf("Tuple width:\t\t%d\n", r->relwid);
 274:     if (r->relsave != 0)
 275:     {
 276:         printf("Saved until:\t\t%s", ctime(&r->relsave));
 277:     }
 278:     if ((r->relstat & S_VIEW) == 0)
 279:     {
 280:         printf("Number of tuples:\t%s\n", locv(r->reltups));
 281:         printf("Storage structure:\t");
 282:         i = r->relspec;
 283:         if (i < 0)
 284:         {
 285:             printf("compressed ");
 286:             i = -i;
 287:         }
 288:         switch (i)
 289:         {
 291:           case M_HEAP:
 292:             printf("paged heap\n");
 293:             break;
 295:           case M_ISAM:
 296:             printf("ISAM file\n");
 297:             break;
 299:           case M_HASH:
 300:             printf("random hash\n");
 301:             break;
 303:           default:
 304:             printf("unknown structure %d\n", i);
 305:             break;
 307:         }
 308:     }
 310:     printf("Relation type:\t\t");
 311:     if (r->relstat & S_CATALOG)
 312:         printf("system catalog\n");
 313:     else if (r->relstat & S_VIEW)
 314:         printf("view\n");
 315:     else
 316:         if (r->relindxd < 0)
 317:         {
 318:             printf("secondary index on ");
 319:             opencatalog("indexes", 0);
 320:             setkey(&Inddes, &indkey, r->relowner, IOWNERP);
 321:             setkey(&Inddes, &indkey, r->relid, IRELIDI);
 322:             if (!getequal(&Inddes, &indkey, &ind, &tid))
 323:                 printf("%s\n", trim_relname(ind.irelidp));
 324:             else
 325:                 printf("unknown relation\n");
 326:         }
 327:         else
 328:         {
 329:             if (r->relstat & S_DISTRIBUTED)
 330:                 printf("distributed ");
 331:             printf("user relation\n");
 332:         }
 333:     if (r->relindxd > 0)
 334:     {
 335:         printf("Secondary Indices:\t");
 336:         opencatalog("indexes", 0);
 337:         setkey(&Inddes, &indkey, r->relid, IRELIDP);
 338:         setkey(&Inddes, &indkey, r->relowner, IOWNERP);
 339:         if (i = find(&Inddes, EXACTKEY, &tid, &limtid, &indkey))
 340:             syserr("help: find %d indexes", i);
 341:         j = FALSE;
 342:         while ((i = get(&Inddes, &tid, &limtid, &ind, 1)) == 0)
 343:         {
 344:             if (!bequal(&indkey, &ind, MAXNAME + 2))
 345:                 continue;
 346:             if (j)
 347:                 printf(", ");
 348:             j =TRUE;
 349:             printf("%s", trim_relname(ind.irelidi));
 350:         }
 351:         if (i < 0)
 352:             syserr("help:get indexes %d", i);
 353:         if (!j)
 354:             printf("unknown");
 355:     }
 356:     printf("\n");
 358:     opencatalog("attribute", 0);
 359:     printf("\n attribute name    type  length  keyno.\n\n");
 360:     seq_init(&Attdes, r);
 361:     while (seq_attributes(&Attdes, r, &att))
 362:     {
 363:         printf(" %.12s	    %c%8d",
 364:             att.attname, typeunconv(att.attfrmt), att.attfrml & 0377);
 365:         if (att.attxtra)
 366:             printf("%7d", att.attxtra);
 367:         printf("\n");
 368:     }
 370:     printf("\n");
 371:     return (0);
 372: }

Defined functions

man defined in line 113; used 1 times
  • in line 63
rel_fmt defined in line 245; used 2 times
relpr defined in line 173; used 1 times
  • in line 70
Last modified: 1995-02-12
Generated: 2016-12-26
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