XTWI(1) Retro Project Manual XTWI(1) NNAAMMEE xtwi - Xilinx Tool Wrapper script for ISE SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS xxttwwii [_C_O_M_M_A_N_D] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN The Xilinx ISE setup script redefines PPAATTHH and LLDD__LLIIBBRRAARRYY__PPAATTHH. The ISE tools run fine in this environment, but other installed programs on the system can (and actually do) fail. xxttwwii helps to keep the ISE envi- ronment separate from the normal working environment. The environment variable XXTTWWII__PPAATTHH must be set up to the install path of the ISE version to be used. Without the /ISE_DS/ which is added by the ISE installation procedure. xxttwwii uses XXTTWWII__PPAATTHH to locate the ISE setup script, sources it, and ex- ecs the _C_O_M_M_A_N_D. This way _C_O_M_M_A_N_D is executed in the ISE environment, while the login shell stays clean. xxttwwii can also set up a clean environment when BBAARREE__PPAATTHH and BBAARREE__LLDD__LLII-- BBRRAARRYY__PPAATTHH are defined. EENNVVIIRROONNMMEENNTT XXTTWWII__PPAATTHH Install path of ISE, without the /ISE_DS/ appended by ISE installa- tion BBAARREE__PPAATTHH Optional. If defined xxttwwii will set export PATH=$BARE_PATH:$RETROBASE/tools/bin LD_LIBRARY_PATH will be unset unless BARE_LD_LIBRARY_PATH is de- fined too. BBAARREE__LLDD__LLIIBBRRAARRYY__PPAATTHH Optional. If defined xxttwwii will set export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$BARE_LD_LIBRARY_PATH Used only when BARE_PATH is defined. FFIILLEESS $XTWI_PATH/ISE_DS/settings32.sh $XTWI_PATH/ISE_DS/settings64.sh ISE setup script located and sourced on 32 or 64 bit systems NNOOTTEESS If both ISE and Vivado are used xxttwwii and xxttwwvv(1) offer a convenient way to have both tools available in one session without interference. EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS xxttwwii nneettggeenn --ssiimm --iinnttssttyyllee xxffllooww --ooffmmtt vvhhddll --ww tteesstt..nnggcc Starts the ISE netlister and generates a VHDL model from _t_e_s_t_._n_g_c. SSEEEE AALLSSOO xxttwwvv(1) AAUUTTHHOORR Walter F.J. Mueller Retro Project 2016-03-19 XTWI(1)