XISE_MSG_FILTER(1) Retro Project Manual XISE_MSG_FILTER(1) NNAAMMEE xise_msg_filter - message filter for Xilinx ISE tool chain log files SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS xxiissee__mmssgg__ffiilltteerr [----ppaacckk] _T_Y_P_E _I_M_F_S_E_T _L_O_G_F_I_L_E xxiissee__mmssgg__ffiilltteerr ----hheellpp DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN Scans the log file _L_O_G_F_I_L_E generated by the Xilinx ISE tool specified by _T_Y_P_E for informational, warning, and error messages and compares these messages against a set of message filter rules defined in the _I_M_F_S_E_T file. xise_msg_filter will print all non-matching messages. All filter rules which do not match a message are also listed, these messages are considered missing. Matched messages are considered ac- cepted. In normal operation, they will not create any output. xise_msg_filter is useful for example in mmaakkee(1)-based flows to create a short summary from the log files. The accepted values for _T_Y_P_E are: xxsstt ISE xst ttrraa ISE ngdbuild (translate) mmaapp ISE map ppaarr ISE par ttwwrr ISE trce bbggnn ISE bitgen OOPPTTIIOONNSS ----ppaacccc Print a summary of all accepted messages. The match count for each rule is listed. ----hheellpp print full help. MMEESSSSAAGGEE FFIILLTTEERR FFIILLEE FFOORRMMAATT Simply a list of regular expression patterns structured by section headers of the form "[TYPE]". Blank lines and lines starting with '#' will be ignored. xise_msg_filter will extract the patterns of the sec- tion matching the _T_Y_P_E argument. EExxaammppllee mmeessssaaggee ffiilltteerr ffiillee # --------- [xst] INFO:.*The FF/Latch <.*> is equivalent to .* will be removed Node of sequential type is unconnected # --------- [map] INFO:.*The FF/Latch <.*>.*is equivalent to the following FF/Latch EEXXIITT SSTTAATTUUSS If _T_Y_P_E is invalid or the _I_M_F_S_E_T or _L_O_G_F_I_L_E files can't be opened an exit status 1 is returned. EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS xxiissee__mmssgg__ffiilltteerr xxsstt pprroojj..iimmffsseett pprroojj__xxsstt..lloogg Generate a short summary of a ISE xst log file. BBUUGGSS The _I_M_F_S_E_T file is flat, with no structuring possible, e.g. with in- cludes. It'll be great to have for example default rules for each tar- get device. Since ISE is 'end-of-life' no further work on xise_msg_filter will be done. SSEEEE AALLSSOO xxiissee__mmssgg__ssuummmmaarryy(1) AAUUTTHHOORR Walter F.J. Mueller Retro Project 2015-01-30 XISE_MSG_FILTER(1)