TI_W11(1) Retro Project Manual TI_W11(1) NNAAMMEE ti_w11 - Quick starter for ttii__rrrrii with ww1111 CPU designs SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS ttii__ww1111 [_O_P_T_I_O_N]... [_t_i___r_r_i _o_p_t_i_o_n]... [_t_i___r_r_i _c_o_m_m_a_n_d]... DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN Generates the ttii__rrrrii(1) commands for starting the rrrrii backend in stan- dard configurations with ww1111 CPU designs. Connections to FPGA boards as well as to gghhddll-based simulations are supported. Since ttii__ww1111 is only a quick starter for ttii__rrrrii(1) this man page will only describe briefly the ttii__ww1111 specific options, for any further de- tail consult the ttii__rrrrii(1) man page. ttii__ww1111 will print the generated ttii__rrrrii(1) command to _s_t_d_o_u_t before exe- cuting it. OOPPTTIIOONNSS sseettuupp ooppttiioonnss ffoorr FFPPGGAA ccoonnnneeccttiioonnss --uu use ----ccuuffff connect (USB via Cypress FX2) --tt_D_N[,_o_p_t_s] use ----tteerrmm connect. _D specifies device name. _N specifies the device number, or in the case of the character 'D' the auto-de- tection of a Digilent board with an FT2232C-based interface. _o_p_t_s specified the additional options a ----tteerrmm can hold (e.g. break or xon). _D is mapped as ss use /dev/ttyS* (* is device number _N) uu use /dev/ttyUSB* (* is device number _N or 'D') sseettuupp ooppttiioonnss ffoorr GGHHDDLL ssiimmuullaattiioonn rruunnss --cc77 start _t_b___w_1_1_a___c_7 simulation (Cmod A7, default --ffxx) --bb33 start _t_b___w_1_1_a___b_3 simulation (Basys3, default --ffxx) --nn44 start _t_b___w_1_1_a___n_4 simulation (Nexys4) --nn44dd start _t_b___w_1_1_a___n_4_d simulation (Nexys4 DDR) --aarr start _t_b___w_1_1_a___a_r_t_y simulation (Arty, default --ffxx) --nn33 start _t_b___w_1_1_a___n_3 simulation (Nexys3, default --ffcc) --nn22 start _t_b___w_1_1_a___n_2 simulation (Nexys2, default --ffcc) --ss33 start _t_b___w_1_1_a___s_3 simulation (S3board, default --ff22) --bbnn44 start _t_b___w_1_1_a___b_r___n_4 simulation (Nexys4, BRAM only) --bbnn44dd start _t_b___w_1_1_a___b_r___n_4_d simulation (Nexys4 DDR, BRAM only) --bbaarr start _t_b___w_1_1_a___b_r___a_r_t_y simulation (Arty, BRAM only, default --ffxx) --ff_m select communication mode for simulation. The --ff_m can be used after the --bb33,...,--ss33 options to overwrite the default. Valid values for mode _m are cc use Cypress FX2 data path (cuff, only for -n2 and -n3) xx use 1st serport with hardwired xon (for -b3,-bar,-c7) 11 use 1st serport 11xx use 1st serport with switched xon 22 use 2nd serport (fusp, only for -s3,-n2,-n3) 22xx use 2nd serport with switched xon --ttmmuu activate in simulations the trace and monitoring unit and write a trace of all w11 state transitions to file _t_m_u___o_f_i_l_e that can be analysed with ttmmuuccoonnvv(1). --gghhww activate in simulations the GHDL wave dump, will write a dump file with the name <>..gghhww where is the filename of the test bench ccoommmmoonn ooppttiioonnss --llll_n set rlink logging level to _n (will issue a --logl=_n). --ddll_n set rlink dump level to _n (will issue a --dmpl=_n). --ttll_n set rlink I/O trace level to _n (will issue a --tiol=_n). --ttoo _v_a_l set timeout for rlink and --ww waits (default FPGA 10., sim 120.) --bb batch mode (default is to start interactive session) --ww wait till CPU halted (used with --ee, implies --bb) --nnss don't start w11 shell --ee _f_i_l_e load and execute _f_i_l_e. If the file type is '.mac' the file will be on the fly compiled with aassmm--1111(1), for all other file types it is assumed that they are in llddaa--1111(5) format. Can be combined with --ww wait for completion of code. --ddrryy dry run, prints the commands but doesn't execute EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS ttii__ww1111 --uu @@221111bbssdd__rrkk__bboooott..ttccll Assumes an FPGA board with a ww1111 CPU design already configured. Connected via USB, communication via Cypress FX2. ttii__rrrrii(1) will be started and the given boot script executed. The typical way to start Nexys2 and Nexys3 boards. ttii__ww1111 --ttuu22,,1122MM,,bbrreeaakk,,ccttss @@221111bbssdd__rrll__bboooott..ttccll Assumes an FPGA board with a ww1111 CPU design already configured. Connected via USB, communication via a USB UART. In this case, the device _/_d_e_v_/_t_t_y_U_S_B_2 will be used, with _1_2 _M_B_a_u_d, _b_r_e_a_k to trigger auto-bauding, and _c_t_s to use hardware handshake. ttii__rrrrii(1) will be started and the given boot script executed. ttii__ww1111 --ttuuDD,,1122MM,,bbrreeaakk,,ccttss @@221111bbssdd__rrll__bboooott..ttccll Like above, but now the USB device will be autodetected. The typi- cal way to start a Nexys4 board. ttii__ww1111 --nn33 --ee $$RREETTRROOBBAASSEE//ttoooollss//mmccooddee//ddll1111//ddll1111eecchhoo..mmaacc Will start the _t_b___w_1_1_a___n_3 test bench in gghhddll(1), on the fly compile the _d_z_1_1_e_c_h_o_._m_a_c test program with aassmm--1111(1), load and start it. This little test code echos console input, just abort with ^C if you have seen enough. ttii__ww1111 --cc77 --ttmmuu --ww --ee $$RREETTRROOBBAASSEE//ttoooollss//ttccooddee//ccppuu__bbaassiiccss..mmaacc Will start the _t_b___w_1_1_a___c_7 test bench in gghhddll(1), on the fly compile the _c_p_u___b_a_s_i_c_s_._m_a_c test code with aassmm--1111(1), load and start it, wait for CPU halted, and finally terminate. A tmu trace is written to file _t_m_u___o_f_i_l_e and can be analysed with ttmmuuccoonnvv(1). SSEEEE AALLSSOO ttii__rrrrii(1), aassmm--1111(1), ttmmuuccoonnvv(1), llddaa--1111(5) AAUUTTHHOORR Walter F.J. Mueller Retro Project 2022-07-08 TI_W11(1)