TI_RRI(1) Retro Project Manual TI_RRI(1) NNAAMMEE ti_rri - RRlliinnkk Backend Server SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS ttii__rrrrii [_O_P_T_I_O_N]... [_C_O_M_M_A_N_D]... DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN The ttii__rrrrii command creates a ttccllsshh(1)-based RRlliinnkk backend server ses- sion. After loading all basic packages and shared libraries that imple- ment the Tcl binding of the RRlliinnkk server the command - creates the default _r_l_c and _r_l_s commands representing the connec- tion and the server objects - loads additional Tcl packages when requested with ----ppaacckk - sets up logging and debug according to ----lloogg, ----llooggll, ----ddmmppll, and ----ttiiooll - sets up connection timeout according to ----ttoouutt - starts an additional process if requested with ----rruunn - opens a connection when requested with ----ffiiffoo, ----tteerrmm, or ----ccuuffff - and finally executes all remaining _C_O_M_M_A_N_D_S arguments as Tcl com- mands If no _C_O_M_M_A_N_D_S are present or if the ----iinntt options are given an inter- active mode is entered with all features of ttccllsshh(1) with tclreadline loaded. OOPPTTIIOONNSS ----ppaacckk==_p_l_i_s_t load, with 'package require', additional packages. _p_l_i_s_t is a comma-separated list of package names. Note that the packages rruuttiillttpppp, rrlliinnkkttpppp, and rrlliinnkk are automatically loaded already by ttii__rrrrii. ----rruunn==_c_m_d execute the shell command _c_m_d as a subprocess before the rrlliinnkk port is opened. This is mainly used to start gghhddll(1)-based test benches, usually via the ttbbww(1) wrapper script. ----ffiiffoo[=_n_a_m_e[,_o_p_t_s]] open a fifo type rrlliinnkk port. It uses a named pipe and is usually employed in conjunction with the ----rruunn option. Optional argu- ments are nnaammee name prefix for the named pipe file names. Default is 'rlink_cext_fifo'. Two fifo's are generated, one with a '_tx' and one with a '_tx' appended to the name prefix. ooppttss comma-separated list of further fifo port options: kkeeeepp fifo is kept open on exit xxoonn software flow control (xon/xoff) nnooiinniitt defer link initialization (debug or test benches) Note: in general the default pipe names are used, thus _n_a_m_e is rarely specified. If only options are given an empty _n_a_m_e field must be specified like in ----ffiiffoo==,,xxoonn. ----tteerrmm[=_n_a_m_e[,_b_a_u_d[,_o_p_t_s]]] open a serial port type rrlliinnkk port. Optional arguments are nnaammee tty device name, default is 'USB0'. If _n_a_m_e does not start with '/' the name is prefixed with '/dev/tty'. The special device name 'USBD' triggers the auto-detection of a Digilent board with an FT2232C-based interface. bbaauudd serial port baud rate, default is '115k'. Allowed baud rate settings are: 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 19k, 38400, 38k, 57600, 57k, 115200, 115k, 230400, 230k, 460800, 460k, 500000, 500k, 921600, 921k, 1000000, 1000k, 1M, 1500000, 1500k, 2000000, 2000k, 2M, 2500000, 2500k, 3000000, 3000k, 3M, 4000000, 4000k, 4M, 5000000, 5000k, 5M, 6000000, 6000k, 6M, 1000000, 10000k, 10M, 12000000, 12000k, 12M ooppttss comma-separated list of further term port options: bbrreeaakk send a break, do autobaud ccttss hardware flow control (cts/rts) xxoonn software flow control (xon/xoff) nnooiinniitt defer link initialization (debug or test benches) ----ccuuffff[=_n_a_m_e[,_o_p_t_s]] open a USB via Cypress FX2 type rrlliinnkk port. Optional arguments are nnaammee USB path, default derived from environment variables RREETTRROO__FFXX22__VVIIDD and RREETTRROO__FFXX22__PPIIDD. ooppttss comma-separated list of further cuff port options: ttrraaccee trace USB activities nnooiinniitt defer link initialization (debug or test benches) ----lloogg==_f_i_l_e set log file name. Default is to write to ssttddoouutt(3). ----llooggll==_l_v_l set rlink logging level. Default is '2', allowed values are: 00 no logging 11 log rlink commands with communication errors 22 log rlink commands with failed checks 33 log all rlink commands ----ddmmppll==_l_v_l set rlink dump level. Default is '0', allowed values are as for the ----llooggll option. ----ttiiooll==_l_v_l set I/O trace level. Default is '0', allowed values are: 00 no I/O trace 11 trace buffer activities 22 trace character activities ----ttoouutt==_d_t set connection timeout. Default is '1.'. Must be >0. . Should be set to a larger value when slow simulators are connected, e.g. post-implementation timing models. ----iinntt enter interactive mode even when further Tcl commands are given on the ttii__rrrrii command line. ----hheellpp print help text and exit ---- all following arguments are treated as Tcl commands. CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS For arguments of the form '@.tcl' the respective file is sourced. All other arguments are treated as Tcl commands and executed with eval. EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS ttii__rrrrii ----ffiiffoo ----rruunn==''ttbbww ttbb__ttsstt__rrlliinnkk__nn44dd'' Starts the gghhddll(1) test bench 'tb_tst_rlink_n4d' located in CWD via ttbbww(1). It is assumed that the local _t_b_w_._d_a_t file configures fifo communication for the test bench. ttii__rrrrii ----ffiiffoo==,,xxoonn ----rruunn==''ttbbww ttbb__ttsstt__rrlliinnkk__aarrttyy'' Like above, starts arty rather n4d test bench. The rlink is oper- ated with software flow control. Note the comma in front of _x_o_n, required to ensure that the default pipe name is used ! SSEEEE AALLSSOO ttii__ww1111(1), gghhddll(1), ttbbww(1), ttccllsshh(1) AAUUTTHHOORR Walter F.J. Mueller Retro Project 2017-01-08 TI_RRI(1)