TBRUN_TBWRRI(1) Retro Project Manual TBRUN_TBWRRI(1) NNAAMMEE tbrun_tbw - ttii__rrrrii plus ttbbww-based test bench starter SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS ttbbrruunn__ttbbwwrrrrii [_O_P_T_I_O_N]... _T_B_E_N_C_H [_C_O_M_M_A_N_D]... DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN ttbbrruunn__ttbbwwrrrrii is a convenience script for starting ttii__rrrrii(1) plus ttbbww(1)-based test benches. It will - issue a mmaakkee(1) command to (re)-build _T_B_E_N_C_H. - build a ttbbww(1) command to start _T_B_E_N_C_H. - build a ttii__rrrrii(1) command which starts ttbbww via ----rruunn - create a ti_rri command list with - setup commands resulting from ----ccuuffff, ----ffuusspp, ... - all optional _C_O_M_M_A_N_D_S - create a shell pipe to filter the output with ttbbffiilltt(1) to deter- mine the success or failure. OOPPTTIIOONNSS Note: ttbbrruunn__ttbbwwrrrrii is implemented as a shell script. If options have an argument it is separated by white space and not by '='! So write '--ghw xxx' and not '--ghw=xxx' ! ----ddrryy dry run, prints the commands but doesn't execute ----nnoommaakkee don't execute make step (_T_B_E_N_C_H neither build nor updated) ----nnoorruunn don't execute test bench (useful to only execute make step) ----llssuuff _s_u_f_f use '__s_u_f_f.log' as the suffix for the log file. The default is '_bsim.log' ----ssttaacckk _n_n_n use _n_n_n as gghhddll(1) stack size ----gghhww _f_n_a_m_e write a ghw file with name '_f_n_a_m_e.ghw' ----ttbbww _o_p_t_s append _o_p_t_s to the ttbbww command ----rrrrii _o_p_t_s append _o_p_t_s to the ttii__rrrrii command ----ppaacckk _p_l_i_s_t add a '--pack=_p_l_i_s_t' option to ttii__rrrrii command ----ccuuffff use Cypress FX2 instead of serport, will generate appropriate 'rlc oob' commands. For nexys2 and nexys3 designs. ----ffuusspp use 2nd serport, will generate appropriate 'rlc oob' commands. For s3board, nexys2, and nexys3 designs. ----ssxxoonn switched XON: enable XON flow control with SWI(1), will generate appropriate 'rlc oob' commands and ti_rri --fifo options. For nexys4 designs. ----hhxxoonn hardwired XON: will generate appropriate ttii__rrrrii ----ffiiffoo options. For basys3 and arty designs. ----ppccoomm enables that test bench comments are passed to _s_t_d_o_u_t. ----rrllmmoonn configures the test bench to enable rlmon (rlink communication monitor, logs all characters read and send by the rlink core). Done in UUT, thus useful only for behavioral simulations. ----rrbbmmoonn configures the test bench to enable rbmon (rbus monitor, logs all rbus transactions). Done in UUT, thus useful only for be- havioral simulations. ----bbwwaaiitt _t_i_m_e add additional _t_i_m_e ns startup waiting time for behavioral mod- els. ----sswwaaiitt _t_i_m_e add additional _t_i_m_e ns startup waiting time for post-synthesis and later models. ----hheellpp print help message and quit. SSEEEE AALLSSOO ttbbww(1), ttii__rrrrii(1), ttbbffiilltt(1), gghhddll(1) AAUUTTHHOORR Walter F.J. Mueller Retro Project 2016-09-17 TBRUN_TBWRRI(1)