IP_CREATE_TAP(1) Retro Project Manual IP_CREATE_TAP(1) NNAAMMEE ip_create_tap - add a user-mode tap device to a bridge SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS iipp__ccrreeaattee__ttaapp [_T_A_P_N_A_M_E] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN This script adds user-mode a tap device to a bridge and creates the bridge in case it doesn't exist already. The script first checks whether 'br0' exists, if not iipp__ccrreeaattee__bbrr(1) is executed. Then a tap device is created, named _T_A_P_N_A_M_E or 'tap0' by de- fault. The tap device will be accessible to the user which executes the script. Finally, the created tap device is connected to bridge 'br0'. The script should be started as a normal user, but uses ssuuddoo(8) to exe- cute privileged commands, and might therefore ask for the user pass- word. SSEEEE AALLSSOO iipp__ccrreeaattee__bbrr(1) AAUUTTHHOORR Walter F.J. Mueller Retro Project 2017-04-14 IP_CREATE_TAP(1)