IP_CREATE_BR(1) Retro Project Manual IP_CREATE_BR(1) NNAAMMEE ip_create_br - create bridge and re-connect ethernet interface SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS iipp__ccrreeaattee__bbrr DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN This script expects a default single Ethernet interface setup, creates a bridge named 'br0', and re-connects the Ethernet interface to this bridge. The script bails out gracefully in case 'br0' already exists. In not, it determines the name of the Ethernet interface, accepting both old 'eth*' and new 'en*' naming, and verifies that it is a single Ethernet configuration. Then it creates a bridge device named 'br0' and re-con- nects the physical Ethernet interface to the bridge, preserving all IP addresses and routes. This script is part of setting up tap devices with iipp__ccrreeaattee__ttaapp(1) but can be used independently. The script should be started as a normal user, but uses ssuuddoo(8) to exe- cute privileged commands, and might therefore ask for the user pass- word. SSEEEE AALLSSOO iipp__ccrreeaattee__ttaapp(1) AAUUTTHHOORR Walter F.J. Mueller Retro Project 2017-04-14 IP_CREATE_BR(1)